A reneszánsz angol kultúrával foglalkozom munkaidőm legnagyobb részében, miközben egyre több időt töltök a digitális tér nyújtotta új lehetőségekkel, amelyek segíthetik és kiegészíthetik a hagyományosnak nevezhető reneszánsz kutatást. Ezen a blogon ezirányú tevékenységeimről írok magyarul, és azért magyarul, mert bölcsész szakmai blogok különösen a reneszánsz kutatásokban nincsenek nagy számban magyarul. Szívesen látok vendég szerzőket, egy email, és máris megjelenhet az írásod.

2010. november 5.
S Greenblatt most megjelenő könyvéről bemutató
Az alábbi linken elérhető Shakespeare's Freedom című könyvének szerző általi beharangozója. Érdekes fordulatot jelez ez a könyv? Jó olvasást!
Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project
Azt remélem, ti is hasznosnak találjátok az alábbi adatbázist, amelynek kezdőlapját másolom ide. A link a címre kattintva vezet magához a honlapoldalhoz. Jó olvasást!
Introduction to the Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project
Henslowe and Alleyn built and expanded several London public playhouses, including the Rose, the Fortune, and the Hope, the foundations of some of which have recently been discovered or excavated by Museum of London staff. Named by King James I as Joint ‘Masters of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs’, Henslowe and Alleyn also staged such blood sports as bull- and bear- and lion-baiting at the Bear Garden and other venues, including royal palaces.
Henslowe and Alleyn commissioned plays from dramatists and ran several of the most successful acting companies of the time, including the Lord Strange’s Men and the Lord Admiral’s Men, for which Alleyn performed such famous roles as Dr Faustus and Tamburlaine. The sole surviving actor’s ‘part’ (or script) from the period, for the play Orlando Furioso, is in the Dulwich archive, as is the ‘plot’ (or prompter's outline) of the play The Second Part of the Seven Deadly Sins, one of only six plots from this period known to survive in part or in whole. In fact, most of what modern scholars know about the early modern English theatre, both as financial enterprise and artistic endeavour, comes from the study of the Henslowe and Alleyn papers at Dulwich College.
The Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project has two aims and objectives: first, to protect and conserve these increasingly fragile manuscripts, and, second, to make their contents much more widely available in a free electronic archive and website, not only to specialist scholars but to all those interested in early modern English drama and theatre history, as well as social, economic, regional, architectural, and legal history, and palaeography and manuscript studies. It is the hope of the Henslowe Alleyn Digitisation Project members that the use of these manuscripts in electronic and digital form will not be confined to students and scholars but to a wide-ranging and ever-changing community of readers in a variety of ways.
King James Bible év és konferencia
God’s Word in English
The King James Version as Translation
Date: 24‐25 March 2011Venue: Antwerp and Leuven, Belgium
Dead line for abstracts: 30 November 2010
Website: http://theo.kuleuven.be/page/conf_kingjamesbible/
The year 2011 marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version,
undoubtedly the most important English translation of the Bible. Though this version is today often
associated with Fundamental Evangelical Christian circles, its historical importance and its cultural
and artistic impact cannot be overlooked. To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the publication,
SIG VERBI, an international research group of CETRA under the auspices of the faculties of Theology
and Arts of the K.U.Leuven and the Department of Translation Studies of the Lessius University
College (Antwerp), is holding a conference. The conference fits into the events to commemorate the
Protestant and Catholic Reformations, organized by Refo500, of which the K.U.Leuven is a project
partner. The aim of the conference is to present research on this remarkable version of the Bible
primarily from the perspective of translation, including the effects this piece of translation have
exercised on various areas of religious and popular culture, and especially on the theory and practice
of translation.
Confirmed speakers include, among others, prof. dr. Stephen Prickett (University of Kent),
prof. dr. Gordon Campbell (University of Leicester), prof. dr. Guido Latré (U.C.Louvain & UGent),
prof. dr. Amanda Piesse (Trinity College) and prof. dr. Tibor Fabiny (Budapest).
Thursday 24 March, 2011 in Lessius (Antwerpen)
1. Historical Session
The Low Countries as Historical Context of the KJV
The origin/history of the KJV within the history of (English) Bible translations
How did contemporary political issues effect the translation of the KJV?
How did the KJV effect contemporary politics?
2. Literary/Cultural Session
The Low Countries as translation milieu
The effects of the KJV as a translation on literature/music/performing arts ,etc.
The influence of the KJV on later biblical and non‐biblical translations (e.g. on Jewish
translations of the TaNaK, English translations of the Qur'an)
Good/bad practices in (Bible) translation that are influenced by the KJV
The use of KJV quotations and allusions in secular texts and their translations
Friday 25 March, 2011 at the Faculty of Theology (K.U.Leuven)
3. Exegetical Session
Contemporary exegesis & its influence on the translation of the KJV
The influence of the KJV on contemporary and later exegesis
4. Practical Theology Session
KJV & the translatability of religious texts
KJV & feminist/post‐colonial studies
KJV & inter‐religious dialogue
Fundamentalist Bible readings & King James Onlyism
The above list is not meant to be exclusive or restrictive. All suggestions for papers relating to
the topic of the conference’s theme will be taken into consideration. We welcome paper
submissions from graduate students.
It is anticipated that the allocated time for each paper will be 30 minutes, with additional time
for questions/discussion.
Please submit your abstract (max. 500 words) by 30 November 2010 to Dr. Gergely Juhász:
Notification of acceptance by 15 December 2010.
Details of accommodation in Leuven or in Antwerp and a booking form will be available soon
from the conference organizers and on the websites of the Faculty of Theology
(http://theo.kuleuven.be/page/conf_kingjamesbible/) and of Lessius University College
(www.lessius.eu). For further enquiries please contact either of the organisers Dr. Gergely Juhász
(gergely.juhasz@theo.kuleuven.be) or Dr. Paul Arblaster (p.e.t.arblaster@hszuyd.nl). It is hoped
that (selected) papers from the conference will be published in a volume edited by Dr Arblaster
and Dr Juhász.
2010. november 2.
Paterson új könyve Shakespeare szonettjeiről
Nagy ünneplés veszi körül Don Paterson Shakespeare szonettjeiről írott új könyvét. Mielőtt megrendelnénk, érdemes elolvasni Paul Edmonson rövid kritikáját a könyvről.
Paul Edmondson: "Extinguishing Shakespeare's Sonnets".
A bejegyzés elegáns s metszően szomorú-- ha lehet ilyet mondani--, további érdekessége, hogy érződik belőle a könyv szerzőjének céhen kívülisége. Jó olvasást!
Paul Edmondson: "Extinguishing Shakespeare's Sonnets".
A bejegyzés elegáns s metszően szomorú-- ha lehet ilyet mondani--, további érdekessége, hogy érződik belőle a könyv szerzőjének céhen kívülisége. Jó olvasást!
2010. november 1.
Ez is egy érdekes konferenciának tűnik:
Interdisciplinary conference, Jesus College Oxford, 21-22 May 2011. Speakers include David Norbrook and Blair Worden
Interdisciplinary conference, Jesus College Oxford, 21-22 May 2011. Speakers include David Norbrook and Blair Worden
Ancient Rome was a source of endless fascination to the early moderns.
Historians, politicians, divines, and imaginative writers looked to the
Roman example for models and inspiration. The aim of the conference is to
reassess the place of ancient Rome in the literary and political culture of
late Tudor and early Stuart England. In what ways did the translation and
reception of the Roman classics stimulate the native literary tradition or
influence its political outlook? What was the impact of the Roman precedent
on attitudes towards constitutional change, the rights and wrongs of empire,
and the law? How did it influence ecclesiastical policy and, more generally,
the views of the relationship between church and state? In what ways did
Roman historiography, political writings, and rhetoric shape the language
and substance of public argument? What was the trajectory of circulation in
manuscript and print of the Roman classics? What were the uses and topical
appeal of the Roman models in the wider public world and in education? How
did the Roman legacy compare with that of ancient Greece?
Our aim is to foster dialogue among literary scholars, classicists,
political and intellectual historians, historians of religion, specialists
in the history of the book, and historians of historiography. Bringing
together scholars representing diverse disciplines and approaches, the
conference will encourage reconsideration of much received wisdom about the
place of ancient Rome in early modern England's literature and political
imagination. It will, we hope, raise new questions about, inter alia, the
shaping influence of the Roman example upon formal properties and topical
undercurrents of imaginative literature, sermons, and polemical writings;
upon conceptions of public institutions and the individual's relationship to
them; upon views of foreign policy and international relations as also
military theory and practice; upon emergent confessional divisions and
incipient notions of religious toleration; and, finally, upon perceptions of
social relations in urban, above all metropolitan contexts. No less
important will be to assess the utility and pervasiveness of romanitas
before and after the union with Scotland, and compare the situation in
England with major European states, in particular, France, Spain, Italian
principalities, and the Netherlands.
We invite proposals for 30-minute papers. Please e-mail abstracts of no more
than 500 words to Felicity Heal (felicity.heal@jesus.ox.ac.uk) or Paulina
Kewes (paulina.kewes@jesus.ox.ac.uk) by 30 January 2011.
The Oxford gathering is a follow-up to the conference on 'Ancient Rome and
Early Modern England: History, Politics, and Political Thought' to be held
at the Huntington Library, 21-22 January 2011. For further information,
please contact Carolyn Powell (cpowell@huntington.org).
9th World Shakespeare Congress
Ez a világ konferencia nem is lesz messze tőlünk: a világ idejön Prágába 2011. július 17-22. Regisztráció december elsején indul. A gyönyörű weboldal itt érhető el:
9th World Shakespeare Congress
9th World Shakespeare Congress
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