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Íme a link: http://paperc.de/
A reneszánsz angol kultúrával foglalkozom munkaidőm legnagyobb részében, miközben egyre több időt töltök a digitális tér nyújtotta új lehetőségekkel, amelyek segíthetik és kiegészíthetik a hagyományosnak nevezhető reneszánsz kutatást. Ezen a blogon ezirányú tevékenységeimről írok magyarul, és azért magyarul, mert bölcsész szakmai blogok különösen a reneszánsz kutatásokban nincsenek nagy számban magyarul. Szívesen látok vendég szerzőket, egy email, és máris megjelenhet az írásod.

2010. október 27.
2010. október 25.
Konferencia meghívó: kora-modern filozófia
March 25-26, 2011
Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy
University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Call for Abstracts: submission deadline: January 15, 2011
Invited speakers: Mark Kulstad (Rice), Maria Rosa Antognazza (King's College London)
The SSEMP is a yearly event that brings together established scholars, young researchers and advanced graduate students working in the field of Early Modern Philosophy. The aim is to foster scholarly exchange among the different generations of academics in the UK and to strengthen international collaboration. Scholars abroad are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts. Presentations should be in English.
We welcome abstracts on any topic in pre-Kantian early modern philosophy (broadly defined, ranging from late Renaissance philosophy to the Enlightenment). We particularly encourage proposals which consider early modern philosophy in relation to other related disciplines, such as theology, intellectual history and/or the history of science.
Abstracts (approx. 250 words) should be sent by email to Mogens Lćrke. Final papers should be approximately 45 minutes in reading length. Please note that the SSEMP cannot provide funding for travel or accommodation.
Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy
University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Call for Abstracts: submission deadline: January 15, 2011
Invited speakers: Mark Kulstad (Rice), Maria Rosa Antognazza (King's College London)
The SSEMP is a yearly event that brings together established scholars, young researchers and advanced graduate students working in the field of Early Modern Philosophy. The aim is to foster scholarly exchange among the different generations of academics in the UK and to strengthen international collaboration. Scholars abroad are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts. Presentations should be in English.
We welcome abstracts on any topic in pre-Kantian early modern philosophy (broadly defined, ranging from late Renaissance philosophy to the Enlightenment). We particularly encourage proposals which consider early modern philosophy in relation to other related disciplines, such as theology, intellectual history and/or the history of science.
Abstracts (approx. 250 words) should be sent by email to Mogens Lćrke. Final papers should be approximately 45 minutes in reading length. Please note that the SSEMP cannot provide funding for travel or accommodation.
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